Public Policy Advice

Policy Career Advice

Working in US AI Policy by 80,000 Hours

Emerging Tech Policy Careers Website - an everything guide to all things public policy related - careers, skills, grad school, advice on acquiring relevant soft skills and hard skills, and all else

EA DC Resources

Grad School

US Policy Master's Degrees: Why and When? (Part 1) by US Policy Careers

US Policy Master's Degrees: Top Programs, Applications, & Funding (Part 2) by US Policy Careers

U.S. Policy Master’s Programs Database


U.S. Policy Fellowship Database

Another U.S. Policy Fellowship Database

U.S. Science & Technology Policy Fellowships by Kelly Singel

Horizon Institute for Public Service Fellowship

Federal Government

Go Government Partnership for Public Service - many helpful resources on working for the US federal government

Go Government Federal Internship Finder

Federal Government Hiring Playbook by Tech Talent Project - federal government fellowships, department overviews, USAjobs applying guide, federal resume advice

Open Cyber, tech and AI roles:

Internships and early career roles:

Civic Tech

Civic Tech Field Guide

Public-Interest Technology Resources by Bruce Schneier

Breaking into civic tech by Chris Kuang

Skills Wiki for New Government Tech Employees by Aspen Institute

Cool Govtech Jobs by Bill Hunt

Tech Jobs for Good

So you want to serve your country: A (biased) guide to tech jobs in federal government by Erie

A Civic Technologist’s Practice Guide by Cyd Harrell

What is civic tech? by Mett Stempeck

Navigating the field of civic tech by Derek Poppert

Think Tanks

Working at a (DC) policy think tank: Why you might want to do it, what it’s like, and how to get a job


Congressional Internships: Why and How to Apply by US Policy Careers

Working in Congress (Part #1) by US Policy Careers

Working in Congress (Part #2) by US Policy Careers

Data Science Advice

Data Science Best Practices & General Advice

Goodbye, Data Science by W.D. - on the many issues currently plaguing data science work

Why Business Data Science Irritates Me by shakoist - a follow-up and similarly themed blog post to the above

The Turing Way handbook by The Turing Way Community - comprehensive guides on producing reproducible research, project design, communication, collaboration, and ethical research


Best Practices when Writing Code by Daniel M. Sullivan

The Good Research Code Handbook by Patrick Mineault

Google Style Guides by Google - including style guides on Python and R

Machine learning

Jason's Machine Learning 101 Presentation by Jason Mayes

Demystifying ML PhD Admissions to US Universities by Trustworthy ML Initiative

On Moving from Statistics to Machine Learning, the Final Stage of Grief by W.D.

Data Engineering

Open-Source Data Engineering Projects by Simon Späti


The Data Science Interview Book by Dip Ranjan Chatterjee

The data science resume that got me my FAANG (MANGA?) job (entry level data scientist) by Tina Huang

Data Science Resume Checklist by Data Interview Pro

How to Get Data Science Interviews: Finding Jobs, Reaching Gatekeepers, and Getting Referrals by Emma Ding


Data and Technology Tweets I’ve Liked by Craig Hamilton - searchable database of resources gathered from twitter covering python, R, SQL, and more

The Data Team Handbook by GitLab - compilation of resources on how GitLab functions, how they work with data, how data teams are constructed, etc.

Public Data

Data Search Tools

Google Research

Data Collections/Aggregators/Lists

Research Papers Datasets

DataHub - mostly business and finance data

AwesomeData Public Datasets List

Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection - social networks and other communication/online network datasets


NASA Datasets

Wikipedia’s “List of datasets for machine learning research”



Dariusk’s Corpora


ProPublic Data Store

Niderhoff’s NLP datasets


100+ Interesting Data Sets

KDNuggets Datasets


World Bank

International Monetary Fund


I^3 Open Innovation Dataset Index - curated, searchable, community-editable, portal of innovation datasets

DISCERN: Duke Innovation & Scientific Enterprises Research Network - links innovation data to Compustat firms

Education Research Data

Datasets for Development Economics

Public datasets collected by Anthony Lee Zhang

U.S. Government Data

U.S. Census

FRED - US economic data - US government data

Federal Reserve Economic Data

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Bureau of Economic Analysis

Center for Disease Control and Prevention


American Presidency Project

House of Representatives Open Government

Federal Election Commission

Congressional Data Coalition

Supreme Court Database

Charles Stewart Congressional Data

The Data Liberation Project by Jeremy Singer-Vine - an initiative to identify, obtain, reformat, clean, document, publish, and disseminate government datasets of public interest

General Datasets

Opportunity Insights - neighborhood-level data on economic mobility and inequality, among other datasets

NASA Earth Data - all the earth science data you could want

WHO Global Health Data

FiveThirtyEight Data - mostly US politics and sports data

BuzzFeedNews Data - open-source data BuzzfeedNews has released

YouTube Data - 8 million categorized youtube videos

Spotify Data - lots of music/podcast-related data

Twitter Data

CERN Data - particle physics data, image data

NFL Data

NCAA Basketball Data

Refugee Resettlement Data 1975-2018 - digitization of the original refugee master files as initially recorded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement and made available by the National Archives

LIFE-M: Longitudinal, Intergenerational Family Electronic Micro-database - collection of data on four generations of 20th-century Americans


Data Is Plural - weekly newsletter of useful/curious datasets by Jeremy Singer-Vine

Primer: Where to find data by Sebastian Tello-Trillo - guide on how to search for data and also includes collections of several field-specific datasets

General Life Advice

Lecture 15: What’s next? by Emma Pierson - her journey through a data science and research career, advice on learning, finding your passions, achieving your goals, establishing your career

The Hierarchy Is Bullshit (And Bad for Business) by mipsytipsy - how to organize effective business teams, intertwined with career advancement and management advice

Why to develop a purpose statement for your career and life by Jennifer Snodgrass - identifying the purpose you seek in your career and how to use that to drive your life decisions

Know what you’re optimising for by Alex Lawsen - advice for focusing on optimising a couple things in your career (rather than being a generalist) and how to figure out what that should be

What I Do When I Can’t Sleep by Dan Shipper - on the importance of articulation and how learning to put names and labels to your likes and dislikes can enhance your life

How to do what you love by Paul Graham - general principles for deciding the right career path to follow, providing long-term perspective over short-term considerations (money, prestige, etc.)

Gut Renovating Your Job by Timm Chiusano - a strategy for making big career decisions (stay in my job or leave) and an underrated third option for it (changing what your current job is)

Career Advice

Academia Career advice

Getting Started As A New Assistant Professor by Tatyana Deryugina

Academic career advice by James O. Freedman - advice covering the job market, presenting and sharing research, giving talks, networking, doing research, and more

General Career advice

Ten Rules for Negotiating a Job Offer by Haseeb Qureshi

Negotiation Strategies That Helped Increase My Salary by 15%–60% by Katie Tassin

All the best advice we could find on how to get a job by Benjamin Todd

80,000 Hours Career Guide

Timm's Career Stuff & Things from Timm Chiusano

All-Purpose Career Tips Cheat Sheet 101 v2 by Timm Chiusano

Advice on Working Effectively

Make better documents. by Anil Dash

Why you need a “WTF Notebook” by Nate Bennett

Fields, Careers, & Positions for Economics (and adjacent)

Academia vs. Policy Jobs by Rachel Glennerster (LSE)

CSWEP Panel: Jobs Outside of Academia for Economists by the AEA

Private Sector Jobs for Economics PhDs by Matthew Hom

Panel on Non-Academic Development Economics Research Jobs by Leah Bevis

Consulting and Freelancing in Academia by Nick Huntington-Klein

“An economist in tech” newsletter by Rose Tan

What is the profile of leading development economists on the PhD job market? by David McKenzie

Resources for graduate students interested in public policy, consulting, or industry by AEA

If I Could Start Anew: Some Reflections of A Development Economist by Chris Barrett

Guide to Postdocs in Econ/Management by Wei Yang Tham

Takeaways on US Policy Careers (Part 1): Paths to Impact and Personal Fit by Mauricio, US Policy Careers

Fields, Careers, & Positions for Data Science

Tech Jobs for Good

Data Science Careers in the Public & Nonprofit Sector

Teaching Economics

EconGraphs by Chris Makler - interactive visualizations for all the graphs used in teaching economics concepts

World Migration Educators’ Toolkit by UN Migration Research Division


Journals with short paper options where economists might publish by David Evans

Some Tips for Doing Better Field Experiments and Getting Your Work Published by John A. List

Public and Free Economics Courses & Textbooks


Causal Inference: The Mixtape by Scott Cunningham

Causal Inference Mixtape Sessions by Cunningham and Butts

Econometrics III Course by Ed Rubin

Applied Empirical Methods by Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham

Gary Chamberlain’s Grad Econometrics Course compiled by Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham

Statistical Learning and Causal Inference for Economics by Francis J. DiTraglia

Advanced Data Analytics in Economics by Nick Hagerty

Causal Inference for the Brave and True by Matheus Facure Alves

The Effect: An Introduction to Research Design and Causality by Nick Huntington-Klein

Also: The Effect: Videos on Causal Inferences by Nick Huntington-Klein

Applied Statistics Workshop Presentations from Harvard

Causal Inference Lectures by Ben Elsner

Advances in Difference-in-Differences in Econometrics by YoungStatS

Causal Econometrics by David Childers

Regression and Other Stories by Gelman, Hill, Vehtari

Instrumental Variables Workshop by Peter Hull

STAT 501: Regression Methods by Penn State Department of Statistics

PhD Econometrics Course by Stanislav Avdeev

Gov 2003: Causal Inference with Applications by Matthew Blackwell


International Macroeconomics and Trade Course by Jonathan Dingel

Intermediate Macroeconomics Course by Pascal Michaillat

Lecture Videos, Code & Data from the Stanford Big-Data Initiative in International Macro-Finance by Matteo Maggiori, et. al.

Mathematical Methods for Macroeconomics by Pascal Michaillat

Monetary Policy, Inflation, and the Business Cycle by Jordi Gali

Modern Macroeconomics by Sanjay K. Chugh

Labor Economics

David Autor’s MIT Courses

Graduate Labor Course by Florian Oswald

Key Papers Every Labor Economics PhD student should know by David Neumark (crowdsourced on Twitter)

Development Economics

Course Notes on Development & Metrics Grad Courses by Simon Quinn

Survey methods - curated blogs by Kondylis and McKenzie - posts on issues of measurement, survey design, sampling, survey checks, managing survey teams, reducing attrition, and all the behind-the-scenes work needed to get the data needed for impact evaluations

Technical Topics – Your One-Stop Shop for Methodology by Kondylis and McKenzie - posts on methodological issues in impact evaluation

An Introduction to Development Economics With a Focus on Data by Rachel Glennerster

How to Write the Introduction of Your Development Economics Paper by David Evans

Impact Evaluation in International Development : Theory, Methods and Practice by Glewwe, Todd

Introduction to randomized evaluations by Gibson, Sautmann, Feeney, Walsh

How to Run Surveys: A Guide to Creating Your Own Identifying Variation and Revealing the Invisible by Stefanie Stantcheva

Public Economics/Policy

Program Evaluation for Public Service by Andrew Heiss

Teaching materials for Innovation: Market Failures and Public Policies by Williams, Bryan


Course notes for UC Berkeley Econ Classes by Kristy Kim

AEA Continuing Education Courses

Health Economics Teaching Materials Repository by ASHEcon

Data Science in Economics course by Nick Hagerty - skills/tools that otherwise are only gained through RA experiences

Note: I have compiled many open source courses and textbooks on data science/programming topics as well, and those can be found in the Data Science tab.

Data Science Courses & Textbooks

General Data Science

STAT 447: Data Science Programming Methods by Dirk Eddelbuettel

IPUMS Tutorials - how to use IPUMS data, online analysis tools

Bayesian Data Analysis course by Aki Vehtari

A Programmer’s Introduction to Mathematics by Jeremy Kun

Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and Stan by Richard McElreath

Data Science and Society by Chris Bail (Duke)

Mathematics for Machine Learning by Garrett Thomas

Introduction to Data Science: Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R by Rafael A. Irizarry

Harvard CS197: AI Research Experiences: Learn to do applied deep learning research by Professor Pranav Rajpurkar

Algebra, Topology, Differential Calculus, and Optimization Theory For Computer Science and Machine Learning by Gallier and Quaintance

DSC 223: Introduction to Data Science by Tyler George

The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction by Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman

Coding for Economists by Arthur Turrell & Others

Python, R, and Stata Implementation of Statistical Methods

Code and Data for the Social Sciences: A Practitioner’s Guide by Gentzkow & Shapiro

ECON 607 - Data Science for Economists by Grant McDermott

R, Stata, and Python Resources by Gabors Data Analysis

Resources for Learning Python, R, SQL, and Data Science by Data Umbrella

Kaggle Learn Guides for Data Science (curated by Avi Kumar Talavia)

Data Science and Statistics Cheat Sheets, Machine Learning Lecture Notes, and more by Merve Noyan


Style Guide for Python Code by Rossum, Warsaw, & Coghlan

Stata to Python Equivalents by Daniel M. Sullivan

Python Courses by Code Academy

Pyslackers - An open community for Python programming enthusiasts.

Python Discord

PyLadies - mentorship group with a focus on helping more women become active participants and leaders in the Python open-source community

From R to Python by Joscelin Rocha Hidalgo - a collection of Python resources geared toward someone with a background in R

Coming from R (to Python) by Arthur Turrell

Probabilistic Programming in Python by Salvatier, Wiecki, Fonnesbeck

Introduction to Economic Modeling and Data Science (in Python) by Coleman, Lyon, Perla, et al

Python for Social Science by Jean Mark Gawron

Python Resources Aggregator by UC Berkeley

Full Stack Python - Learn to Build, Deploy and Operate Python Applications by Matt Makai

Automate the Boring Stuff with Python by Al Sweigart

Selenium with Python by Baiju Muthukadan

Python project-based tutorials by (many people)

Python Numpy Tutorial (with Jupyter and Colab) by Justin Johnson

Introduction to Python and NumPy for Deep Learning by DeepMind Technologies Limited

Mapping and Data Visualization with Python by Ujaval Gandhi

From Python to Numpy by Nicolas P. Rougier - “concentrating on the migration from Python to Numpy through vectorization”


SQL for Data Analysis by udacity

SQL Tutorial by Mode

Introduction to SQL Course by DataCamp

SQL Tutorial - Full Database Course for Beginners by

Introduction to SQL by W3 Schools

SQL Practice Questions

8 Week SQL Challenge by Data With Danny

Practical SQL for Data Analysis by Haki Benita

SQL Tutorial by SQLZoo


R-Ladies Global

Nice R code blog by Rich FitzJohn and Daniel Falster

A Succinct Intro to R by Steve Haroz

STAT 545 - UBC course on R and data science

R for Stata Users by Andrade, et. al.

Text Mining with R by Silge & Robinson

RStudio Cheatsheets

The R Tidyverse Style Guide by Hadley Wickham

R for Data Science by Hadley Wickham

Intro to R by Hans H. Sievertsen - how to load, process, and visualize data in R

Applied Economics with R by Hans H. Sieversten

Regression analysis in R by Grant R. McDermott

Big Book of R by Oscar Baruffa

List of open sources books about R by Pere A. Taberner

Analyzing US Census Data: Methods, Maps, and Models in R by Kyle Walker

Best Coding Practices for R by Vikram Singh Rawat

R Markdown: The Definitive Guide by Xie, Allaire, and Grolemund

Introduction to Econometrics with R by Hanck, et. al.

Translating Stata to R by McDermott, Butts, Nick HK

R Function A Day by Indrajeet Patil - collections of 365 tweets about R functions

Statistics lectures using R by Amelia McNamara

Introduction to Data Science in the Tidyverse by McNamara and Wickham

A Road Map for historians of economics to learn R by Aurélien Goutsmedt

Hands-On Programming with R by Garrett Grolemund - emphasis on simulation and vectorizations

Using R for Introductory Econometrics 2nd edition by Florian Heiss - R coding companion to Wooldridge’s textbook

Overview of Econometrics Packages in R by Zeileis and McDermott

Coding style, coding etiquette (in R) by Salmon and Dervieux

R for Stata Users by Matthieu Gomez

Resources for self-guided learning by R-Ladies NYC

Introduction to GitHub Actions to R users by Beatriz Milz

An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in R by James, et. al.

Writing Functions in R by Cosima Meyer


Learning Stata for econ research aggregator by Wayne Aaron Sandholtz

Stata Coding Guide by Julian Reif

Development Research in Practice (Stata Style Guide) by DIME Analytics

Applied Econometrics in Stata by Jack Blundell

Stata Cheat Sheets

Programming with Stata by Kluender and Marx

Stata Workflow Guide by Asjad Naqvi

Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) in Stata by Asjad Naqvi

Coding Style Guide by Michael Stepner

Microeconometrics Using Stata by Cameron and Trivedi

Tips for managing large-scale datasets efficiently in Stata by Pere A. Taberner

The Stata Guide (aggregate) by Asjad Naqvi

Stata Style Guide by Miklos Koren

Stata Guide by Sean Higgins

UCLA Stata Learning Modules


MATLAB/R Reference by David Hiebeler


LaTeX for Beginners, 5th Edition

LaTeX Table Hints and Tips by Adrian P. Robson

Short Math Guide for LaTeX by Downes, updated by Beeton

The Not So Short Introduction to LaTeX by Tobias Oetiker

Data Viz

An Economist’s Guide to Visualizing Data by Jonathan A. Schwabish

Telling Stories With Data by Rohan Alexander

Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction by Kieran Healy

Data Visualization Checklist by NickCH-K

Hands-On Data Visualization Dougherty and Ilyankou

Git + GitHub

Git and GitHub chapter of R Packages by Hadley Wickham and Jenny Bryan

GitHub Replication Template by Dequette

Git: A Guide for Economists by Frank Pinter

Git and GitHub for R by Jenny Bryan and others

GitHub Project Example with Stata Coding Style Guide by Michael Stepner

How to Use Git/GitHub with R by David Keyes

Git Cheat Sheet for Data Scientists by Kessie Zhang


QuantEcon - open source code workshops and resources for economic modeling

Computational Thinking for Social Scientists by Jae Yeon Kim

Coding for Economists: A Language-Agnostic Guide to Programming for Economists by Ljubica Ristovska

Working with Large Data Technical Report by Gomolka, Blaschke, Hirsch

More Data Analysis Case Studies and Resources for R and Python by Gabors Data Analysis

Julia Bootcamp by Cameron Pfiffer

Mostly Harmless Econometrics Replication Code in Stata, R, Python, and Julia by Vikram Jambulapati

Quantitative Editing: A Guide by Laura Bronner

Data Analysis Case Study codebase for R, Python, and Stata by Békés and Kézdi

GRE Advice

Applying to Grad School

Grad School RANKINGS (IDEAS) (US News) - Outdated but another reference point - Peterson’s, informational rankings

Economists’/Grad Students’ Advice

Supply Side Liberal

Greg Mankiw

Chris Blattman (sidebar has many stickied posts about how to apply, what to focus on, and tons of advice for those interested and already in grad school. Focus on development and public policy.)

Sita Nataraj Slavov

Susan Athey

William D. Craighead

Dick Startz - A Guide for UCSB Undergraduates Considering a PhD in Economics

George Iskander (technically for STEM PhDs, but very useful advice)

Simon Board - Applying to Graduate Programmes in Economics

Shapiro & Gentzkow

Miles Kimball

Applying to Economics PhD Programs Memo by Alvin Christian

Navigating the Application Process Timeline and Tips by Schweinert and Treanor

Chakravorty, Kekre, Kundo, & Narula - Applying to PhD Programs in Economics (focused on international students)

Applying to Econ PhDs by Natalie Duncombe

Tips 4 Economists by Masayuki Kudamatsu

Schools’ advce

Grinnell College - Applying to Graduate School

Grinnell College - Deciding if Graduate School Is Right for You

UC Berkeley - Writing the Personal Statement (and Statement of Purpose)

Aggregators (now defunct, but still full of useful info and links)

American Economic Association

AEA - readings for students considering graduate study in economics



Grad Cafe

advice on the NSF

Preparing for the NSF by Natalie Duncombe

Writing an NSF application by Chris Blattman

NSF Fellowship Guide by Alex Lang

NSF GRFP Guide by the University of Missouri

8 Tips For Your GRFP Doctors Don’t Want You To Know by David Klinges

NSF GRFP Advice by Mallory P. Ladd


Handbook by Chris Ferguson

Advice for applying and for the first year, by Ceyhun Elgin and Mario Solis-Garcia

“The Making of an Economist Redux” (Colander, 2003)

“15 Years of Research on Graduate Education in Economics: What Have We Learned?” (Stock & Sigfried, 2014)

US Policy Master's Degrees: Why and When? (Part 1) by US Policy Careers - incredibly informative post on why to consider a policy masters degree, what factors to consider, how to do so, and why for those who are more policy-oriented

Applying to & Being an RA Advice

Econ Readings


Paul Krugman

Greg Mankiw

Noah Smith

Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham

Atlanta Fed Macroblog


World Bank Blog

World Bank Development Impact Blog

R-bloggers - news and tutiorals for R

Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science

News & Aggregators

Marginal Revolution


Project Syndicate

The Economist

Microeconomic Insights



JEP Papers - sorted by topics!

NBER Working Papers

AEA Online Seminars - collection of virtual seminars hosted by a variety of institutions and covering many of the fields within economics

Finding Economics Articles with Data and Specific Empirical Methods by Sebastian Kranz

Literature on Recent Advances in Applied Micro Methods by Christine Cai

Economic History Papers by pseudoerasmus

Find Economic Articles with Data by Sebastian Kranz - search for econ papers by their available data and filter by how much reproducible Stata code they provide

VoxDevLit: Wiki-inspired literature reviews by VoxDev - accessible summaries of the latest research for specific topics within development economics


The Hidden Curriculum - all the topics you wanted to learn in (econ) graduate school

Economist On Zoom Getting Coffee - casual conversations with leading economists

"Hexapodia" Is the Key Insight: by Noah Smith & Brad DeLong

Freakonomics Radio - Discover the hidden side of everything with Stephen J. Dubner, co-author of the Freakonomics books

Macro Musings with David Beckworth - pulls back the curtain on the important macroeconomic issues of the past, present, and future

EconTalk - hosted by Russ Roberts of Shalem College in Jerusalem and Stanford's Hoover Institution

Political Economy by James Pethokoukis - AEI’s James Pethokoukis speaks with a variety of experts to address some of the most pressing economic and public policy questions of our time — with a special emphasis on technology, innovation, and the future

Just Economics by Iona Marinescu and Kat Rosqueta - explores what we actually know about how policies and labor markets work

Nobel by Aaron Lorenz - curated collection of every podcast episode featuring an econ nobe laureate

Acemoglu et al by Aaron Lorenz - curated collection of every podcast episode featuring Acemoglu and co-authors


Exploring Economics - aggregator of online courses, videos, articles, and papers on economics

SKAIPedia - Wiki and “living literature review” aggregator for social science topics

AEA ASSA Annual Meeting Webcasts

Economic History Books by pseudoerasmus

Grad School/Research Resources

Economists’ Websites

Claes Backman

Paul Niehaus

Masayuki Kudamtsu - Tips 4 Economists (grad school advice and much more)

Alex Albright - Resources from Others to You

Jennifer Doleac - lots of crime research stuff, plenty more besides

Jonathan Dingel

Shanjun Li

Amanda Y. Agan - aggregated advice on Writing, Presentation, Coding, and Refereeing

Jan Sauermann - resources for writing/presenting research, the editorial process, and the Econ Job Market

Christine Cai - resources for econometrics, coding, grad school, and research

Ryan B Edwards - resources on seminars, discussing, refereeing, data viz, writing papers, publishing, getting started on research, and other useful grad school & econ advice

Andrew Rumbach

Mark J. Chin - resources for education policy and economics of education

General Grad School Advice

AEA Professional Development Resources

AEA CSWEP News - aggregator of writings by economists covering grad school, job market, junior faculty topics, and so on

AEA CSWEP Professional Development Resources

The 12 Step Program for Grad School by Eric Zwick

How to survive your first year of graduate school in economics by Matthew Pearson

“Out in Five” by David Romer

EconGradAdvice by Roth & Schindler

The Life of a Research Project by Gema Zamarro

Awesome Economics (a curated list of resources) by Anton Tarasenko

How to PhD by eca

Writing Research

Language, Confusion, and Models in Empirical Economics by Phil Haile

Writing Economics by Neugeboren & Jacobson

The Recipe for a Successful Thesis in Applied Economics by Westerlund

Writing, Briefly by Graham

Writing Tips for Ph.D. Students by Cochrane

Writing a Literature Review by Romem

What is a Literature Review? (and How Do I Write One?!) by Shunda

Academic Writing for Accounting and Economics PhDs by Langenmayr

Four Steps to an Applied Micro Paper by Jesse Shapiro

Writing As A Social Scientist by David Eli

Ph.D Thesis Research: Where do I Start? by Don Davis

Writing the Intro to Your Economics Research Paper by Timothy Taylor

Writing Economics Research Papers by Claudia Sahm

JabRef - free reference/literature review manager

An unofficial guide to trying to do empirical work by Amy Finkelstein - how to formulate and write great research ideas

Presenting Research

A Basic Beamer Power Up by Natalia Emmanuel

Tips + Tricks with Beamer for Economists by Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham

How to Give an Applied Micro Talk by Jesse Shapiro

Public Speaking for Academic Economists by Rachael Meager

22 Tips for Conference and Seminar Presentations by Marc Bellemare

The “Big 5” and Other Ideas For Presentations by Donald Cox

Guidelines for Presentations by Bandiera, et. al.

How to give an economic theory talk by Shengwu Li

Beamer Slide Template (LaTeX) by Kyle Butts

Poster Builder by bio render

Publishing Research

Journals with short paper options where economists might publish by David Evans

Discussing Research

Tips on Being a Good Discussant

The discussant’s art by Chris Blattman

Funding Research

CSWEP Newsletter on Getting Funding for Your Research by Jennifer Doleac

Smaller Funding Opportunities with an Economics Focus by Anne Byrne


A guide to interpreting regression tables by Sevi

A Flowchart for Constructing a Regression Model by Nick HK

Scott Cunningham’s CodeChella

How To Build an Economic Model in Your Spare time by Hal Varian

The Job Market

Suggested Timeline For Those On The Job Market Next Year by Tatyana Deryugina

So you want to go on the job market by Alex Albright


Advice for Academic Research by Ricardo Dahis

Interviews, Advice, Policy Debates, and Commonly Referred to Posts by David McKenzie

AEA Reading Materials - covers many of the relevant topics for being a researcher and economists, such as publishing, teaching, the job market, grants, presenting, etc.

#EconBrew - list of economists across the world open to grabbing coffee with those visiting their location