Economists’ Websites
Claes Backman
Paul Niehaus
Masayuki Kudamtsu - Tips 4 Economists (grad school advice and much more)
Alex Albright - Resources from Others to You
Jennifer Doleac - lots of crime research stuff, plenty more besides
Jonathan Dingel
Shanjun Li
Amanda Y. Agan - aggregated advice on Writing, Presentation, Coding, and Refereeing
Jan Sauermann - resources for writing/presenting research, the editorial process, and the Econ Job Market
Christine Cai - resources for econometrics, coding, grad school, and research
Ryan B Edwards - resources on seminars, discussing, refereeing, data viz, writing papers, publishing, getting started on research, and other useful grad school & econ advice
Andrew Rumbach
Mark J. Chin - resources for education policy and economics of education
General Grad School Advice
AEA Professional Development Resources
AEA CSWEP News - aggregator of writings by economists covering grad school, job market, junior faculty topics, and so on
AEA CSWEP Professional Development Resources
The 12 Step Program for Grad School by Eric Zwick
How to survive your first year of graduate school in economics by Matthew Pearson
“Out in Five” by David Romer
EconGradAdvice by Roth & Schindler
The Life of a Research Project by Gema Zamarro
Awesome Economics (a curated list of resources) by Anton Tarasenko
How to PhD by eca
Writing Research
Language, Confusion, and Models in Empirical Economics by Phil Haile
Writing Economics by Neugeboren & Jacobson
The Recipe for a Successful Thesis in Applied Economics by Westerlund
Writing, Briefly by Graham
Writing Tips for Ph.D. Students by Cochrane
Writing a Literature Review by Romem
What is a Literature Review? (and How Do I Write One?!) by Shunda
Academic Writing for Accounting and Economics PhDs by Langenmayr
Four Steps to an Applied Micro Paper by Jesse Shapiro
Writing As A Social Scientist by David Eli
Ph.D Thesis Research: Where do I Start? by Don Davis
Writing the Intro to Your Economics Research Paper by Timothy Taylor
Writing Economics Research Papers by Claudia Sahm
JabRef - free reference/literature review manager
An unofficial guide to trying to do empirical work by Amy Finkelstein - how to formulate and write great research ideas
Presenting Research
A Basic Beamer Power Up by Natalia Emmanuel
Tips + Tricks with Beamer for Economists by Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham
How to Give an Applied Micro Talk by Jesse Shapiro
Public Speaking for Academic Economists by Rachael Meager
22 Tips for Conference and Seminar Presentations by Marc Bellemare
The “Big 5” and Other Ideas For Presentations by Donald Cox
Guidelines for Presentations by Bandiera, et. al.
How to give an economic theory talk by Shengwu Li
Beamer Slide Template (LaTeX) by Kyle Butts
Poster Builder by bio render
Publishing Research
Journals with short paper options where economists might publish by David Evans
Discussing Research
Tips on Being a Good Discussant
The discussant’s art by Chris Blattman
Funding Research
CSWEP Newsletter on Getting Funding for Your Research by Jennifer Doleac
Smaller Funding Opportunities with an Economics Focus by Anne Byrne
A guide to interpreting regression tables by Sevi
A Flowchart for Constructing a Regression Model by Nick HK
Scott Cunningham’s CodeChella
How To Build an Economic Model in Your Spare time by Hal Varian
The Job Market
Suggested Timeline For Those On The Job Market Next Year by Tatyana Deryugina
So you want to go on the job market by Alex Albright
Advice for Academic Research by Ricardo Dahis
Interviews, Advice, Policy Debates, and Commonly Referred to Posts by David McKenzie
AEA Reading Materials - covers many of the relevant topics for being a researcher and economists, such as publishing, teaching, the job market, grants, presenting, etc.
#EconBrew - list of economists across the world open to grabbing coffee with those visiting their location